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Saturday, August 11, 2012

3ds max VS Maya

I have been using 3ds max ever since i started 3d, but I know a couple of friends who use maya and they do cool stuffs with it,but i ll like to know the differences between the two autodesk softwares and which delivers more, expecting ur coments guys...


  1. heard maya is better in terms of vfx

  2. Hi Edu, I am well versed in Maya but not so much in 3ds Max, but from what I gather the vfx, rigging and animation are much better. I think alot more games are made in 3ds Max and more VFX and character animation is done in Maya, it all depends on what direction you want to go as an artist.

    Andrew Martin

  3. Thanks alot emma i am actually very good wit max but thinkin of learning maya now after u confirmed it too.wot version of maya do u use?.

  4. Hi Edu, I have an experience working with Maya and 3DS MAX. I actually started with maya but now mostly working with 3ds max. I beleieve that all that comes with character modeling is better to do in Maya. It has some more fitted tools for organic modeling , however Everything else is much better in 3ds max.


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